Dog Lifestyle, Pet Celebrations, Pet Recipes, Pets and Family

Amazing and Easy Dog Cake Recipe for Your Next Dog Party (Hint a Frenchie Favorite!)

Planning your next dog party?  If you have found inspiration from our ten dog birthday cakes for your next party, and have all your party decorations planned the dog party games and are now looking to try your hand at making your own dog party cake to put the final touches on the dog party festivities we have you covered with this easy dog cake recipe.  


In our mind you can spend more time baking or spend more time decorating.  We prefer the decorating part for the big day as we find our furry friends, Titou in particular, really seem to enjoy their dog birthday cake either way.  


Our favorite is this take on the classic Gâteau Mille Crêpes.   The baking experts over at the PBS Food Blog say that Gâteau Mille Crêpes is a classic French cake that translates to “thousand crêpe cake”. It’s claim to fame is that it is the perfect dessert for people (like me) who have a rancorous relationship with their ovens because it’s made entirely on the stove and of course, even though I believe I have perfected the crepe we have reduced this one down to a relatively easy form of the classic.  


We chose a couple of substitutes to make this the Gateau Mille Crepes the most dog friendly cake.  Rather than 20 crepes, which is standard we hear we reduced it down to save time so you can spend it on the important stuff.   

Titou, the Frenchie who inspired this French dog cake told us he also does not care that there is twenty crepes) so we subbed in four pancakes and rather than pastry cream we use our CBD Infused dog friendly icing which is really a yummy dog friendly mashed potato combo. 

Give it a try and let us know how it goes and don’t forget to add some decorations if you use our free Popular pets selfie frame send us a picture for a free sticker pack on us!   Plus just added to the store dog party games printable pack, dog trivia and more!