K9 Veterans Day: 5 Charities Supporting K9 Veterans
K9 Veterans Day approaches on March 13th. In the United States, there are over 2,300 active duty military dogs and more than 600 dogs deployed overseas. These dogs...
7 Dog Valentine’s Day Photo Ideas
We already wrote about Valentine's Day dog posts, puns, and captions so we thought we would step back a bit and post about some fun Dog Valentine's Day Photo Ideas...
Holiday or Christmas Blues: Causes and Using Pets to Cure Them
The holiday season should be joyful, merry, and bright. But for some, the family get togethers, holiday parties, and increased financial responsibilities exacerbate feelings of sadness,...
Original Christmas Dog Holiday Poem: All about dogs! Use On Your Christmas Cards
It is time for Holiday cheer and not much else says holiday or Christmas cheer than an original Christmas dog poem. Use this dog poem for Christmas card idea inspiration or steal the w...
45+ Cutest Dog Holiday Instagram Captions, X-Mas Card Greetings and Sayings
The holidays abound with ways to create beautiful dog memories with photos (even for the camera shy dog) and cards and their associated x-mas greetings and sayings that accompany them....
Pets Top Holiday Shopping Lists (Plus Pet Holiday Statistics and Pet Gift-Giving Ideas)
New data from PetSmart reveals pets play a special part in holiday planning, they even top the Holiday shopping list over other loved ones. In fact, holiday pet statistics from Petsma...
Holidays in November to Celebrate Dogs: Plus top ideas to enjoy them
After the fantastical doggie Halloween and the fall pumpkin patch photos, it is hard to imagine that November is so jam-packed with dog fun with several Dog Holida...
Protect Your Pets this July 4th With Dog Safety Tips
The food, fireworks, and festivities associated with July 4th are fun for most Americans, but the same can’t be said for our pets. However, with a litt...
Doggie Wedding Bag Checklist
So, you have decided to include your dog into your wedding and used our preplanning dog wedding checklist to get organized and our thirty ways to include...