We take pride in our dogs and make an effort to keep them well-groomed, healthy, fed, and happy. However, there can be a lot of mistakes made along the way. From bad dog haircuts to strange grooming habits that you and your pup may regret . This article is going to cover some of the worst dog haircuts you could give your dog.
Maybe it is due to the quarantine, maybe it is due to the proliferation of online study which now includes virtual courses to become a dog groomer but we know that finding a dog groomer can be tough which is why we provided some top tips for finding the best dog groomer. Alas, sometimes despite our best efforts we turn our loving dog over and when he returns he does not quite look as we imagined he would.
Here are some of the worst dog haircuts sometimes referred to as quarantine dog haircuts but definitely some of the worst dog grooming that we have seen.
Worst Groomed Dogs: The Super Shaved
Worst Groomed Dogs: The Doppelganger look
As if grooming our dogs is not hard enough but it now seems that certain beauticians are taking their training on people and applying it to pets. Check out some of these looks that definitely seem as if they were meant for a 50’s middle aged man.
Worst Groomed Dogs: The Inappropriate Shave
Clippers come with great responsibility. These poor pups have been the victims of some serious over clipping. Body clipping is perfectly reasonable for many breeds, think poodles, but German shepherds have historically not been full body clipped and their fur is not really appropriate for such due to the undercoat and layers.