Dog Lifestyle, Pets and Family

Happy Dog Breeds: Happiest Dog Breeds in the World

Our furry friends already add joy to our lives and some dog breeds due to their inherent happy nature may even add more.

Bearded collie in pink necklace looking into the camera looking happy.

Dogs’ characters are enriched with joy and adventure that make us happy. But do you know that there are a few dog breeds that are considered the happiest dog breeds because they are seemingly happier than others?

If that sounds interesting and you are searching for “what is the happiest dog breed?” or “what is the happiest dog in the world?” look no further.  A day at the park or beach may be more enjoyable with these happiest dog breeds.  Let’s discover the happiest dog breeds that can add joy and why they are considered to be such happy dogs.

Happy Dog Breed Bichon Frise

This little cutie is one of the happiest small breed dogs and will always remind you of a little attractive teddy bear sitting along your bedside.

Bichon Frise are the round-faced pups’ that usually make you smile when they come through your dog account Instagram feed.  These floofy companions also impart instant happiness on their keepers. They are full of energy and seem to have a happy friendly face with a perpetual dog smile which makes a Bichon Frise extremely special.

White Bichon Friese with open mouth looking happy into the camera lying on grass.
Bichon Friese are amongst the happiest dogs!

Happy Dog Breed Irish Setter

Some may think that cuteness is reserved for smaller dogs but the Irish Setter is also one of the happiest breeds of dog even though it is a larger breed.

Irish Setters are famously known for their tremendous energy and excessive agility. Call them a hundred times a day, and they will be in front of you instantly say Irish Setter owners. The responsive nature of the Irish Setter makes the charges of Irish Setters feel special and delighted by their positive energy.  the Irish Setters willingness to please seems contagious putting Irish Setters on the list of one of the happiest dog breeds.

Happiest Dog Breed Boxer

Boxer is one of the largest dog breeds making the happiest dog breed list and the boxer is famous for imparting happiness. Boxers are loyal dogs and a great choice for families. If you are looking for the best dog breeds to become part of your family, then boxers are an optimal choice because of their affectionate personality. They are known to often make playful sounds of enjoyment which always brings a smile.

Brown, black and white boxer looking through a window with its paw up on the window.
Boxers are known to be happy perhaps from their fun sounds and easy nature.

Happiest Dog Breed Bedlington Terrier

Terriers in general are some of the happiest dog breeds and also some of the oldest dog breeds which were famous for their hunting skills. 

Bedlington Terriers, in particular, are well-known for their affectionate nature. Their loving personality makes them cuddle their family of dog lovers and also run happily when on dog friendly beaches or in parks.

Bedlington Terriers are a happy small breed dog and also loved by a lot of people due to their stunning and unique looks.

Happiest Dog Breed Maltese

Once you see a Maltese, your search for the happiest dog breeds will end. Maltese are considered among the cleanest dog breeds as well requiring less dog grooming.

You can call this breed twin to Bichon Friese because of their size and fur, but Maltese possess extremely smooth hairs instead of curly, as in the case of Bichon. Maltese make the happiest dog breed list due to their kissable, gentle and loving nature.

White Maltese small puppy sitting on a rock being a happy dog.
Maltese are happy puppies and said to be very clean!

Happiest Dog Breed Bearded Collie

From the family of Collies, the Bearded Collie is one of the most attractive dogs on the happiest dog breed list. Their hairs are unique, with a lovely mustache giving them what appears to be a smiling face. Their favorite hobby is running and cuddling on the feet of their owners. Along with running, they are obedient and intelligent, so you can teach them fun tricks.

Bearded Collies have proven to be a perfect blend of love and happiness.

Bearded Collie with pink necklace on sitting on the ground on white background showing how happy they are.

When you are on the search for your next furry pal consider those on the happiest dog breed list to bring you an even bigger smile and extra fun.

For more dog fun check out our new book  Motherpuppin’ Adorable: what to do when your dog is better than everyone else’s the perfect companion to navigating life with your dog.

Or . . .

How to Make Your Dog Smile

Happiest Dog FAQ

What breed of dog has the sweetest personality?

It can be difficult to pinpoint the dog with the sweetest personality as much will depend on other factors like how happy your dog is or how compatible you are with your dog, but in general Golden Retrievers and Labradors are considered to have incredibly sweet personalities.

What are some big happy dogs?

There are several large breed big happy dogs including Great Pyrenees, even though they are working dogs they are incredibly happy and good natured, a Great Dane is very happy and a Bernese Mountain dog which is likely why many are including Bernese Mountain dogs in various crosses including a poodle cross in the Bernadoodle.

What are the saddest dog breeds?

There are dogs that look sad but also dogs that are prone to be sad or suffer from anxiety and depression. Dogs that look sad include the Neapolitan mastiff, Basset Hound, and Bull dogs. Other unhappy dogs may not be great to have around your family.

What are some small happy dog breeds?

There are several small happy dog breeds like the Maltese, Pomeranian and the Bichon Friese.