Emotional Support Dogs (ESA) Support People Each and Every Day Here is a Quick Guide to ESAs

Emotional Support Dogs (ESA) Support People Each and Every Day Here is a Quick Guide to ESAs

WHAT IS AN ESA? An ESA can be any type of dog and does not need to be trained to do anything specific.  All breeds function as ESAs 

WHAT IS AN ESA? An ESA can be any type of dog and does not need to be trained to do anything specific.  All breeds function as ESAs 

WHO can use an ESA? A person with an emotional or psychiatric disability that is alleviated with the support of a dog is able to use an ESA.

WHO can use an ESA? A person with an emotional or psychiatric disability that is alleviated with the support of a dog is able to use an ESA.

WHERE CAN ESAS BE USED? Qualified ESAs  can support  a person with a disability in long term housing.   An ESA does not automatically have access to other public spaces.

WHERE CAN ESAS BE USED? Qualified ESAs  can support  a person with a disability in long term housing.   An ESA does not automatically have access to other public spaces.

HOW DO ESAS PROVIDE SUPPORT? ESAs Provide support  and comfort to handlers with emotional and psychiatric disabilities.

HOW DO ESAS PROVIDE SUPPORT? ESAs Provide support  and comfort to handlers with emotional and psychiatric disabilities.